Call of Duty’s Season 4 Reloaded update arrives on July 15, and Treyarch released patch notes, detailing more of what’s to come for Black Ops Cold War’s Zombies and multiplayer, including a classic nuke killstreak.
Along with the return of Call of Duty’s classic Capture the Flag mode and Black Ops 2’s Rush paintball map, there will be a new Cranked Moshpit mode. This new playlist will include the all-new Cranked Team Deathmatch and Cranked Kill Confirmed, which will be similar to Cranked Hardpoint from the ’80s Action Heroes event. Basically, eliminate enemies to become « Cranked » to earn buffs, and keep getting kills before your Cranked Timer runs out.
If Cranked isn’t explosive enough for you, Treyarch announced players will now be able to call in a Nuke killstreak. It won’t be a game ending streak, but it will wipe all players when the nuke detonates in all modes. However, League Play and CDL variants, Multi-Team, Party Games, and Gunfight are excluded from the nuke streak.
Black Ops Cold War & Warzone – Season Four: Mauer Der Toten Gameplay Trailer
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Arriving with the new Mauer der Toten round-based map, players can also expect major changes to enemy health caps, enemy armor durability, sniper rifle critical and max damage buffs, Pack-a-Punched melee weapon damage buffs, as well as damage scaling for equipment, support items, and field upgrades.
The update will also reintroduce the fan-favorite Mule Kick perk, which allows players to carry a third weapon. Treyarch detailed the new perk upgrades that will be available for Mule Kick as players level the perk up to Skill Tier V.
- Base ability: Carry a third primary weapon.
- Skill Tier I: Crafted Equipment grants an additional Equipment if able.
- Skill Tier II: All enemies have a small chance to drop ammo.
- Skill Tier III: Stowed weapons slowly refill ammo from stock.
- Skill Tier IV: 25% chance to keep non-retrievable Equipment when used.
- Skill Tier V: Third primary weapon is recovered when repurchasing Mule Kick.
League Play
Season Four Reloaded will add more rewards to earn in League Play, including new CDL-themed weapon blueprints, charms, emblems, stickers, and XP bonuses at milestones up to 100 wins:
- 10 Wins: Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
- 20 Wins: Pistol Blueprint, Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
- 35 Wins: Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
- 50 Wins: Assault Rifle Blueprint, Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
- 75 Wins: Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
- 100 Wins: SMG Blueprint, Weapon Charm, Sticker, Emblem
Double XP Event
Double XP and Double Weapon XP will be live in both Black Ops Cold War and Warzone starting July 16 at 10 AM PT/ 1 PM ET and ending July 19 at 10 AM PT/ 1 PM ET.
You can see the full July 13 playlist update for Black Ops Cold War below, as shared by Treyarch.
OTs 9
- New SMG available via in-game challenge in Multiplayer or Zombies, or via unique Blueprint version in the Store.
Assault Rifles
Irons Sights have been pushed out for the following:
Daily 2XP Token Reward
- New Daily 2XP Token Reward can now be earned by completing your first Daily Challenge of the day in Multiplayer or Zombies.
- Return each day for a new 2XP or 2X Weapon XP Token Reward.
- You can only earn one 2XP Token per day. If you don’t complete a Challenge that day, you’ll miss out on that day’s 2XP Token reward.
Prestige Shop
Weapon Blueprints
- New content available in the Prestige Shop, including the “Dark Horse” SMG Blueprint and “Confrontation” assault rifle Blueprint.
- Addressed an issue where Challenges that require kills through surfaces would not consistently track kills.
War Tracks
- Addressed an issue that could prevent players from toggling War Tracks on and off while in a vehicle.
High Resolution Texture Packs (PlayStation 5)
- PlayStation 5 players will have high resolution textures moved to opt-in downloadable packs for Multiplayer, Zombies, and Dead Ops Arcade 3. These will no longer be installed by default, and players will need to download these packs for the best visual experience going forward.
- Upon boot-up, players will be prompted to install the packs or cancel the download. If the player cancels, these packs will be available for download via the in-game Store.
“Mauer der Toten”
- New round-based Zombies map available for free in Season Four Reloaded.
- New enemies in “Mauer der Toten”: The Disciple and Tormentors.
Main Quest
- Main Quest coming to “Mauer der Toten” starting at 10AM PT July 15th.
Mule Kick
- New Perk available in the Mule Kick Perk Machine in “Mauer der Toten” and in Der Wunderfizz in “Die Maschine,” “Firebase Z,” and Outbreak.
- Base ability: Carry a third primary weapon.
- Skill Tier I: Crafted Equipment grants an additional Equipment if able.
- Skill Tier II: All enemies have a small chance to drop ammo.
- Skill Tier III: Stowed weapons slowly refill ammo from stock.
- Skill Tier IV: 25% chance to keep non-retrievable Equipment when used.
- Skill Tier V: Third primary weapon is recovered when repurchasing Mule Kick.
Wonder Weapons
- New Wonder Weapon available exclusively in “Mauer der Toten.”
- Base pistol weapon with three Mod Kit variants.
- Zombies killed with any version of the weapon have a chance to drop one of the three Mod Kits.
- Equipping a Mod Kit will convert the weapon to one of its variant forms.
LT53 Kazimir
- New Tactical Equipment that can be found as a drop or crafted at the Crafting Table in round-based maps and Outbreak.
- When deployed, creates a portal that pulls in enemies.
- Players who jump into the portal will be teleported to another location.
- Damage Scaling
- Equipment damage will now scale evenly to be more consistent in their ability to kill enemies.
- Addressed an issue where certain Equipment was doing more damage than intended on direct impacts.
Enemy Health Cap Reductions
- Zombies: Reduced to +100% at high rounds (down from +300%)
- Specials: Reduced to +50% at high rounds (down from +100%)
- Elites: Reduced to +25% at high rounds (down from +100%)
- HVTs: Reduced to +10% at high rounds (down from +100%)
- Enemy Armor Durability Reductions
- Reduced health of armor for Medium and Heavy zombies by 30%.
- Essence
- Addressed an issue where players were spawning with 1000 Essence in round-based maps instead of 500.
- New in-game Dark Aether story Intel available to discover in “Mauer der Toten” and Outbreak.
- Added new Zombies Challenges for “Mauer der Toten,” including a new Dark Ops Challenge.
- Addressed an issue where the Season Four “Staycation” Challenge could be completed at the wrong round.
- Damage from Support items will now scale evenly to be more consistent in their ability to kill enemies.
Field Upgrades
Frost Blast
- Frost Blast damage will now scale evenly to be more consistent in its ability to kill enemies.
Energy Mine
- Energy Mine damage will now scale evenly to be more consistent in its ability to kill enemies.
Aether Shroud
- Addressed an issue with Aether Shroud Tier V where activating its second charge while its first charge was already active would result in failing to accumulate subsequent charges.
Dynamic Wall Buys
- Wall Buy weapons in all round-based Zombies maps will now have a chance to increase in rarity at the end of every fifth round, giving players more weapon options to choose from as the rounds go up.
- Rarities can increase all the way to Legendary.
- Additional weapons can now be obtained as Trials Rewards.
Weapon Unlock Challenges
OTs 9
- Added new Weapon Unlock Challenge for Zombies for the OTs 9 SMG.
Weapon Tuning (Zombies Only)
Melee Weapons
- Increased Pack-a-Punch base damage from 2000 to 2500.
- Increased Pack-a-Punch Level 3 damage multiplier from 4.0 to 5.0.
Sniper Rifles
Swiss K31
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 3.5 to 4.5.
- Increased Stock Ammo from 42 to 60.
- SWISS KH3353 (Pack-A-Punched)
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 3.5 to 4.5.
ZRG 20mm
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 3.5 to 4.5.
- Increased Stock Ammo from 24 to 30.
- Head Cannon (Pack-A-Punched)
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 3.5 to 4.5.
- Increased Stock Ammo from 64 to 72.
Sniper Rifle Charlie
- Increased max damage from 150 to 175.
- Increased Stock Ammo from 30 to 50.
- Anathema (Pack-A-Punched)
- Increased max damage from 300 to 350.
Pelington 703
- Increased max damage from 250 to 275.
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 4.0 to 5.0.
- Pellegrino della Morte (Pack-A-Punched)
- Increased max damage from 500 to 550.
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 4.0 to 5.0.
LW3 – Tundra
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 3.5 to 4.0.
- Increased Stock Ammo from 30 to 35.
- Permafrost (Pack-A-Punched)
- Increased critical damage multiplier from 3.5 to 4.0.
- Increased Stock Ammo from 70 to 90.
- Addressed stability issues related to the Orda and Mimic.
- Addressed stability issues related to Trials Challenges.
- Increased chance for Ronald Raygun to spawn in Outbreak.
- Region and Objective order will no longer loop once all combinations have been played when progressing Regions.
- Addressed stability issues related to Fishing in Outbreak.
- Addressed stability issues related to using the rappel lines in Outbreak.
Dead Ops Arcade 3
- Added new First Person Solo Advanced Start playlist.
- Players should now see a wider variety in bonus room distribution.
- Adjustments to points awarded for Gladiator and Warden kills.
- Minor adjustments to item spawns.
- Doubled Egg pickup base health.
- Increased Golden Egg health by 40%.
- Reduced Egg hatch cycle so that Eggs now hatch faster.
- Eggs are now less jumpy, and should not jump as high or as far in general.
- Mama’s « Armory Basket » has been located.
- Closed various exploits.
- Stability
- Added stability fixes to further prevent « Charlie 285 Military Gorilla » errors.
Onslaught (PlayStation)
- Rush added to map rotation with new Intel to discover.
Onslaught Accelerated mode now available.
- Dark Aether orb never stops moving, and enemies never clear or stop spawning.
- Orb move speed is reduced to a consistent slower value compared to its normal average speed.
- Orb fill bar is removed in this mode.
- Because the orb cannot be filled, it does not explode and wipe out enemies, and there are no pauses in movement.
- Enemies killed increase the speed of the orb for a small period. Each kill increases orb movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds. This effect stacks with multiple kills.
- Elite Surge Waves still spawn on every third wave.
- Unlock the “Chemtaminate” LMG Weapon Blueprint by surviving 20 accelerated Surges in Onslaught Accelerated.
Featured Playlists
- Outbreak
- Mauer der Toten [NEW]
- Firebase Z
- Die Maschine
- Dead Ops Arcade: First Person
- Dead Ops Arcade
- Onslaught (PlayStation)
- Onslaught Accelerated (PlayStation) [NEW]
- Onslaught Containment (PlayStation)
- Onslaught Rush (PlayStation) [NEW]
- Rush (6v6)
- New map added to Multiplayer rotation in 6v6 modes.
Capture the Flag [NEW]
- New mode added to Multiplayer.
- Capture the enemy’s flag and return it to your home base while defending your flag from the enemy team.
- The team with the highest numbers of captures at the end of the match wins.
Cranked Team Deathmatch [NEW]
- New mode available in the Cranked Moshpit playlist.
- Eliminate enemies to become Cranked and earn buffs.
Cranked Kill Confirmed [NEW]
- New mode available in the Cranked Moshpit playlist.
- Eliminate enemies and pick up their dropped tags to become Cranked and earn buffs.
Multi-Team (All Modes)
- Addressed an issue that allowed players to use Equipment immediately after exiting the infil plane.
- Increased Radiation Vest protection amount.
Multi-Team Elimination
- Weapons dropped by eliminated enemies will now be considered loot, allowing for easier pickups.
- Equipment and Field Upgrades will now be dropped on death.
- Improved visibility of Supply Drop smoke marker.
Nuke (30 Kills)
Nuke Scorestreak from Cranked Hardpoint now requires a Nuclear Medal (Kill 30 enemies without dying) and is now available in all modes except the following:
- League Play and CDL variants
- Multi-Team modes
- Party Games (Prop Hunt, Gun Game, Sticks and Stones, One in the Chamber)
- Gunfight
Featured Playlists
- Rush 24/7 [NEW] (Also available in Hardcore)
- Capture the Flag [NEW]
- Cranked Moshpit [NEW]
- NukeJacked 24/7 (Also available in Hardcore)
- Party Games
- Face Off 6v6
- Gunfight Blueprints
- Snipers Only Moshpit
- Multi-Team Moshpit
- Removed Standoff from CDL Hardpoint map rotation.
Skill Divisions
- Addressed an issue that could prevent players from being able be promoted or demoted to the appropriate Skill Division.
Black Ops Cold War & Warzone – Season Four: Mauer Der Toten Gameplay Trailer
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